Charmonty Lucky Leo

Our male Charmonty Lucky Leo (Toby) was born on 13.08.2007. His parents are Ch. Allright The Lion King and Ch. Allright Smart Jill. Toby was a stud dog for a few years with Dorrit Ricketts (Klintagummans).
Born: Aug 13, 2007

Charmonty Lucky Leo (Toby) and his sister Charmonty Leonita (Cookie) attended their first shows in May 2008 – and they were successful! By mid-June, both had their 4 CAC for the Junior Champion together. On 3 shows both won the Junior CAC!

Toby got his last Junior CAC at the Norfolk Festival near Mönchengladbach, where he became best young dog of the breed! The judge was the well-known English Norfolk Terrier breeder Martin Phillips.

Toby is now also German Champion (KfT) and German Champion (VDH), having won CACs at all of his last 6 shows.

Offspring from Toby

Below you will find some pictures of Toby’s offspring.

Charmonty Colorado

Charmonty Dream of Chocolate

Klintagumman’s Cool Crystal (Sissi, left) is Toby’s daughter from his litter with Klintagumman’s Nancy. At her first show, a puppy show, she was third in the terrier group.

Klintagummans Dragon King

Klintagummans Double Beauty (Daisy)